(Elected, voting Board members)
Chairman of exec board, organize; supervise, and plan FDSA functions; attend ADSA Meetings; liaison to Board of Dentistry and FDA; attend FDA specialty Forum; communicate with ADSA; act as FDSA's lobbyist to legislature, B of D, FDA, etc; participate on nominating committee; appoint committees as needed
Organize meetings and continuing education; solicit nominations; participate on nominating Committee, assist president as required; stand in for president as needed
Supervise membership, correspondence, notices, directory; maintain bylaws; record minutes of meetings; maintain committee reports; pass along records, minutes and reports to incoming secretary
Prepare budgets and P&L statements for year and CE meetings; prepare, send dues Statements; prepare annual financial statements; report delinquent members to secretary; review AR and AP; review QuickBooks ledger and accounts
Past President
Consultant to Board, chair the nominating committee, assist president as needed
Ex-officio Officers
(Appointed by president, non-voting Board members)
Prepare newsletter, solicit and write articles, maintain mailing list. A continuing position, at the discretion of the Board
Serve as head of headquarters, receive and distribute mail and communications, Coordinate activities of committees and projects, systematize preparation of reports, maintain financial records, responsible for accounts receivable and accounts payable,
All officers are expected to attend all meetings of the FDSA. It is anticipated that officers will move up through the hierarchy, starting with Secretary/Treasurer
Nominating committee
Past president, president, vice president
Editorial Review Board
Editor, president, and secretary responsible for approving overall content of newsletter
- 2012-2014 Clive Rayner, DMD
- 2014-2016 Don Tillery, Jr., DMD
- 2016-2018 Carl Melzer, DDS
- 2018-2020 Clive Rayner, DMD
- 2010-2012 LLano, Charles
- 2008-2010 Diaz, Marcos
- 2006-2008 Grenevicki, Lance
- 2003-2005 Gioia, Michael
- 2002-2003 Rayner, Clive
- 2001-2002 Rayner, Clive
- 2000-2001 Rayner, Clive
- 1999-2000 Llano, Charles
- 1998-1999 Clive Rayner
- 1997-1998 Nissen, Larry
- 1996-1997 Fox, Robert
- 1995-1996 Hogan, Timothy
- 1991-1992 Saari, Paul
- 1986-1987 Dennis, Matt
- 1978-1979 Satz, Harvey
- 1977-1978 Stewart, Stanley
- 1976-1977 Cook, Lawrence
- 1974-1975 Kates, Charles
- 1973-1974 Laboda, Gerald
- 1972-1973 Spiro, Victor
- 1971-1972 Scheffer, Robert
- 1970-1971 Pikos, Michael
- 1969-1970 Copenhaver, R
- 1968-1969 Richards, Harley
Clive Rayner, DMD
Past President
Carl Melzer, DDS
Charles LLano, DDS
Secretary/ Treasurer
Jason Portnot, DMD
Newsletter Editor
Clive Rayner, DMD
Executive Director & Past President
Clive Rayner, DMD
ADSA Delegate
Charles LLano, DDS
ADSA Delegate
Clive Rayner, DMD
ADSA Delegate
Marcus Diaz, DDS
ADSA Delegate
Carl Melzer, DDS
Anne Kennedy